Home » ClindaMax Lotion

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CLINDAMAX LOTION (Clindamycin Phosphate) Each ml contains: Clindamycin as Phosphate 10mg 1% w/v, Product Complies Innovator's Specs Effective Skin Care Solution: ClindaMax Lotion, with Clindamycin Phosphate (1% w/v), is designed for external use and offers effective relief for various skin concerns Physician's G uidance: Use ClindaMax Lotion as directed by your healthcare provider to ensure personalized treatment based on your specific skin condition Quality Assurance: The product complies with Innovator's specifications, ensuring consistent quality and performance</p> Safe Usage Guidelines: Follow proper storage, child safety measures, and prescription requirements to ensure the safe and effective application of ClindaMax Lotion Not for Eye Use: ClindaMax Lotion is intended for external use only and should not be applied to the eyes