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MURICIN OINTMENT (Mupirocin, broad spectrum topical antibiotic) Muricin Ointment offers a solution for both primary and secondary bacterial skin infections, providing relief from conditions like impetigo, folliculitis, infected eczema, insect bites, and more The ointment contains 2% Mupirocin (BP), a potent antibacterial agent effective against a range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria Muricin Ointment can also be used preventively to protect small wounds, incisions, and clean lesions from bacterial contamination Administered topically, this ointment is easy to apply to the affected area, making it convenient for treating skin infections With a shelf life of two years and safe storage at room temperature, Muricin Ointment is a reliable choice for managing bacterial skin infections, offering clinical efficacy while ensuring proper use and handling