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VERTICIL CREAM (Terbinafine) Effective Antifungal Composition: Verticil contains Terbinafine (hydrochloride), a powerful antifungal agent, making it highly effective against various fungal skin infections caused by dermatophytes and Candida species Rapid Symptom Relief: Verticil typically provides relief from clinical symptoms within a few days of regular application, making it an efficient treatment option for fungal skin infections Application Guidelines: The cream should be applied once or twice daily on clean and dry affected areas, and for certain infections, it can be covered with gauze, particularly at night, to enhance its efficacy Limited Use in Certain Populations: While its efficacy has been established, Verticil's use in children is not recommended due to limited experience. Similarly, it should be used with caution in pregnant and nursing mothers Low Risk of Adverse Effects: Although minor side effects such as redness, itching, or stinging might occur, severe allergi


VERTICIL TABLET (Terbinafine, Hydrochloride) VERTICIL tablets contain Terbinafine Hydrochloride BP, available in 125 mg and 250 mg strengths, effective against a wide range of fungal infections VERTICIL is rapidly absorbed, with peak plasma concentrations reached within hours. It binds strongly to plasma proteins and accumulates in skin, hair, and nails It is used to treat onychomycosis (fungal nail infections), tinea capitis, and various skin fungal infections The recommended dosage varies by age and type of infection, with treatment durations ranging from 2 to 12 weeks VERTICIL should be used cautiously in patients with liver disease or impaired renal function. Careful monitoring for potential side effects is essential during treatment. Always consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance