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COSMIN-A (30 Soft Gelatin Capsules Isotretinoin B.P 20mg Product Complies With B.P Specs) Cosmin-A offers effective treatment for severe forms of acne that are resistant to standard therapies It comes in two strengths, 10mg and 20mg, providing flexibility in dosage Due to teratogenicity, rigorous pregnancy prevention measures are essential when using Cosmin-A Dosage is tailored to the patient's response, with the goal of achieving long-term remission This article offers a detailed insight into Cosmin-A, covering composition, clinical use, contraindications, and more for those considering this acne treatment


CUTIS LOTION (Terbinafine Hydrochloride, Board spectrum Antifungal, Tabros Pharma, For External Use Only) Cutis Cream and Lotion combat skin fungal and yeast infections effectively The duration of use depends on the specific skin condition, ensuring targeted treatment These products are safe for external use, with minimal reported side effects Cutis Cream and Lotion are produced by Tabros Pharma, a reputable pharmaceutical company